Mary Pondered

But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. -Luke 2:19

Mary’s been hearing lots of voices defining reality for her, who this child Jesus is, who she is. There have been hurtful voices (like Caesar, perhaps community condemning her for getting pregnant out of wedlock, perhaps some inner voices as well). These steal our hope.

But. there were also helpful voices (like the angel and the shepherds). Think of the angel as the typical “spiritual” ways of hearing from God and the shepherds as the everyday ways, everyday people. These give us hope.

Mary needs time to ponder for herself, to sort through and discern what God’s saying to her. Perhaps you could use some time in this crazy holiday season to pull away and ponder. These are the questions we pondered together at the Christmas Eve service. Listen to what the Spirit may be saying to you through the way you answers:

  • Who have been helpful voices for you lately, and what do you hear them saying?

  • What might God be saying to you through them?

  • What are some hopes you have for the year ahead (for yourself, family and friends, community…)?

  • How would you ask Jesus to help you make these hopes reality?