Shame-free spaces are precious - and crucial for us to grow.
Read MoreDaily Devotional
Sometimes it’s helpful to let our holy imagination roam free in order to bring us back to God in the midst of our challenges.
Read MoreGod’s power is not alway - and perhaps not primarily - the raw power to accomplish things. It’s also the gentle power to transform.
Read MoreToday we hear from faith leaders ancient and contemporary about what it means to rest.
Read MorePart of God’s plan for the Sabbath was that the Beloved Community would do it’s best to make it possible for those most at risk to be able to rest as well.
Read MorePsalm 92 was written specifically to be sung on the Sabbath as a vision of rest and flourishing.
Read MoreThe Sabbath is not just for middle class people to kick up their feet. It was originally designed for day laborers and even animals to be able to rest.
Read MoreIn this revolutionary passage, God upends the status quo by welcoming immigrants and sexual minorities into the very heart of sacred space and time.
Read MoreToday we get to reflect on a poem about exhaustion… and hear it’s gentle invitation to rest.
Read MoreWe look at the outside. Jesus basically ignores it and goes straight for the heart every time.
Read MorePurity tends to be about getting things right. Holiness, in it’s healthiest form, is primarily about relationship. Which is easier for you?
Read MoreIn times where we are approached with difference, conflict, something uncomfortable, etc. we will go through pain--it’s either clean pain or dirty pain.
Read MoreAn apology and reflection on true friendship and growth.
Read MoreA simple prayer for Sundays… and for just about any day.
Read MoreGod shows us early on that setting limits is a gift, and the Spirit invites us to imitate that way of being.
Read MoreToday we reflect on the gift of rest and how one of the great Jewish rabbis thought about sabbath.
Read MoreThe idea of a whole 24 hours off each week is pretty foreign in the modern world - but perhaps it’s just the gift we really need to rest deeply.
Read MoreSpiritual surrender has at times been placed at odds with working for justice - as if they aren’t the flip side of the same coin. Today we hear from Howard Thurman on this…
Read MoreNot all time is created equal. Some time is more sacred than other time.
Read MoreSo often our anxiety causes us to run faster, to keep on moving, trying in vain to get everything fixed. And yet the invitation to rest awaits us…
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