Daily Devo's
Recent Sermons
LGBTQ+ Inclusion
Daily Devo's 〰️ Recent Sermons 〰️ Music 〰️ LGBTQ+ Inclusion 〰️
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Recent Sermons
🎥 New videos usually post on Sunday afternoon.
A special song as we journey toward Easter together.
Questions about God’s Love for 🌈 LGBTQ+ Folks?
We know that many people - queer and straight - coming from religious spaces have questions about God’s heart for LGBTQ+ folks and how the church as a whole reflects that heart. Questions that may have felt taboo to ask, questions they might not even know where to start with! We’re happy to share CCLB’s imperfect but sincere exploratory process, in case it’s helpful. Our desire is for the church to do better (much better) and for everyone, including our LGBTQ+ siblings, to feel God’s overflowing love and warm embrace.
Our Study Team Process
One of our co-pastors, Bill White, kept a blog about the journey our church went on to develop a radically welcoming posture with the LGBTQ community. It includes lots of suggested resources (though we can’t promise they are the most up to date - our journey began in 2016). You can read more HERE.
Years later, people still seem to find helpful and healing the pastoral letter Bill wrote to the congregation as the study team concluded. He reads it aloud HERE.
Side by Side
At the beginning of 2020, CCLB offered a special, 4 hour seminar to the wider Long Beach community, for people to come and explore questions around gender, sexuality and Scripture from both progressive and conservative theological viewpoints in a welcoming, safe space. It was an incredible time, with so many families, church leadership teams and even counseling groups joining us to learn and discuss together across their differences. Resources, including the full podcast recordings, are available HERE.
Our co-pastors Brenna and Bill blog regularly at their little non-profit about deconstruction, collaborative leadership, and building potent inclusive communities.
Much of what b&b share through their leadership coaching at SCBT, CCLB folks get to talk through in the Story Swap series we offer a few times a year, Shape of the Journey (series A) and Tools for the Journey (series B). Because leadership skills are life skills, and life is a team project!
Today we listen in to a retelling of the Gospel story with a fresh perspective