
Daily Devotional

How To Create a System of Oppression

Today we’re looking at what it means to create structural oppression - a system that does the work of oppression for those in power. Note that Pharaoh is gaining so much money and power that he builds two more storehouse cities to hold it all, meanwhile, the people of Israel are pushed further and further down.

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Repairing Relationships

Today we’re looking at one of Jesus’s big teachings on conflict. He starts off by reminding us that being religious doesn’t count for much if we’re not working out our relationships with other human beings. How does that sit with you?

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How Do You Handle Conflict?

There was plenty of conflict amongst Jesus’s friend group. In fact, each Sunday we stand up and say “On the night he was betrayed, Jesus took bread…” (1 Corinthians 11:23). Betrayal is just one type of conflict, but no matter who you are in relationship with, there will be some form of conflict.

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