Too often religion suggests to us a God that is not only powerful, but destructive - a spirituality that manipulates and devours us - absolutely burns us down. But what Moses experienced…
Read MoreDaily Devotional
How do we as followers of Jesus in America remember and dream forward on the 4th of July? A collection of quotes, a poem, and even a song to muse over with Jesus today.
Read MoreThough the text so often tempts us to focus on Moses as special, as far above us somehow spiritually, the way that he connects with God is available to all of us - to you and me normal people.
Read MoreReflecting on the role of the strong women in Exodus 1, we’re inspired to think a little differently about God as well.
Read MoreOver and over again, God speaks in scripture about the ways those in power have created systems that exploit those who are weaker than they are.
Read MoreYes, Jesus cared for individuals. And yet, it was so much more than that.
Read MoreIn the book of Lamentations, the prophet Jeremiah is heartbroken over the urban decay in Jerusalem.
Read MoreToday we’re looking at what it means to create structural oppression - a system that does the work of oppression for those in power. Note that Pharaoh is gaining so much money and power that he builds two more storehouse cities to hold it all, meanwhile, the people of Israel are pushed further and further down.
Read MoreSometimes a poem can help us reframe an idea or see through a crack in our walls. Sometimes it takes sitting with a line or two to let it really speak to you.
Read MoreToday we’re looking at one of Jesus’s big teachings on conflict. He starts off by reminding us that being religious doesn’t count for much if we’re not working out our relationships with other human beings. How does that sit with you?
Read MoreWithin one sentence of Paul writing about how he and Mark have reconnected, Paul writes about how another friend has ‘deserted’ him.
Read MoreSometimes friendships fall apart. We don’t handle conflict well, or there’s some sort of rupture and then we lose track of each other by not putting in the effort to recover.
Read MoreThere was plenty of conflict amongst Jesus’s friend group. In fact, each Sunday we stand up and say “On the night he was betrayed, Jesus took bread…” (1 Corinthians 11:23). Betrayal is just one type of conflict, but no matter who you are in relationship with, there will be some form of conflict.
Read MoreAs you close out your work week and head into the weekend, spend time with this blessing from 500 years ago.
Read MoreGod says “I live with the humble.” Perhaps that’s because the humble aren’t holding on to their precious self-image (or anything else) - so there’s plenty of space around them for God to live.
Read MoreTrying hard to please God can often mislead us.
Read MoreSometimes it’s hard to accept authentic selves - perhaps we’ve been taught that parts of who we are should be hidden away - for example, our strong opinions. Or perhaps certain sexual attractions. Or perhaps our questions about God.
Read MoreThis is the prayer that was prayed over us on Sunday. What a great way to head into the weekend.
Read MoreToday we continue to celebrate all the goodness of Affirming Sunday with the poem that Brenna Rubio read.
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