Side By Side

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Our hope is for this conversation to spread, for more people and communities to engage each other in thoughtful, gracious dialogue about the range of faithful Christian approaches and personal stories surrounding human sexuality and gender identity. To help with these conversations, we’re happy to share materials from our January 2020 seminar.


“Could our divergence

of perspectives become a resource for Christian discipleship? When you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? When you love those who share your views on matters you think central to the faith, what credit is that to you? You don’t need grace for that. We do need grace and mercy and wisdom, and a life saturated with prayerful seeking, to live out our life together in light of our very real disagreements.” - Caroline Simon, Bringing Sex Into Focus, 2012, InterVarsity Press


Click below to download the one-page handout with resource list available from the seminar.


Full audio has been uploaded. Subscribe to our podcast through iTunes, City Church Long Beach Sermons, or go directly to the talks below:

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