How Are You Showing Up
A helpful question we’ve picked up from a wise leader is, “How are you showing up today?” It’s a reminder that we shift and change, and that not the same ‘you’ shows up each time. So it can be helpful to identify what’s going on in yourself since no doubt that will impact how you show up.
So today, instead of reading a poem or saying a prayer, you are invited to write a prayer about how you’re showing up today. Take a look at the Emotions Wheel (thank you @barakbomani for this resource). Look around the wheel and pick two emotions that seem to be fitting you right now. Write as little as one phrase about each or as much as a whole paragraph - as a prayer to the God who wants to know how you are showing up today.
*As a church we’ll be reading a diverse group of authors who’ve written prayers similar to the Psalms. If you’d like to purchase the book, you can do so HERE.
**As a church we’ll be reading those prayers from that book and having an daily online discussion (participate however much you’d like) using our new church app, which is HERE