A Conversation is an Adventure
So many times when we come to the Bible, we find ourselves trying to get a clearer picture of who God is. We try to line up the ‘truths’ we find there and see if we can make sense out of how the spiritual life works. But perhaps that’s not what Jesus had in mind when he was talking with people.
Yesterday we listened to the passage in John 6:25-40 where people are following Jesus and asking him questions… and he pushed back on them about other, deeper things. They ask “When did you get to this side of the lake?” and he essentially responds by asking, “What’s really on your heart?”
Kristyn pointed out that Jesus seemed most interested in connecting with people. In a word, in intimacy.
So what is the standard thing you find yourself asking Jesus or wanting to think about in terms of your relationship? Take that question or thought and see if you can let the Spirit invite you to look more deeply at what’s going on in it. What’s your heart cry? How might Jesus want to turn that very thing into a change to connect more with you?