A Prayer
This is the prayer that Katy White offered after the message on Sunday (someone requested it as a devotion this week). Pray along with it, and notice what stands out in your mind, in your heart. Then continue the prayer for another sentence or two in your own words.
Father Mother God,
Thank you for your faithful, fierce, guiding love for us. Thank you for the courage of the woman in this story- give us her courage and faith and boldness to come to you for healing for our wounds and sadness and needs. Help us to experience you seeing us; receiving us, healing us.
Mother Father God, - bring more of your kingdom to our hearts, to our families, to our relationships. May your way be present here in this school, Lafayette, this city, this state and this country. Lord, We grieve the pain on every side of the war and violence of Ukraine and we pray for peace there and an end to the violence. Lord, we grieve the divisions in our country, the brokenness in our political system and the deep pain and wounds of the political fights about abortion. We grieve the ways that women and our bodies, and children, are again dehumanized and thrown around. Lord, have mercy on us. We need your healing, your restoration, your reconciliation, your spirit to help us forgive, be forgiven, grow, and love. Hold us close, and make us more like you, and help us live into being your beloved, Mother Father God. Amen.