Be Still
Be still and know that I am God.
- Psalm 46:10
It’s hard to be still physically; it’s harder to be still mentally and emotionally. We excel at distraction.
Today, we’re not going to try to learn a whole lot. Today we’re going to try to put our knowledge into practice. You have two options (and if you’re feeling adventurous, try them both!).
Option 1
Pray this prayer based on the verse above. Say each line quietly to yourself, taking a nice long pause in between. At the end of the time, take a few minutes in silence (it might work best to set a timer for the whole thing so you don’t get antsy, wondering if you’ve spend ‘enough’ time). As you go through this prayer just clear your mind - and don’t get frustrated when other thoughts, tasks, or people show up uninvited in your thoughts - just gently bring yourself back to the next line in the prayer, whispering it softly to yourself, enjoying God’s presence. So here’s the prayer - again, take a nice long pause at the end of each line.
Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know that I am.
Be still and know.
Be still.
Option 2
This is the practice we worked on yesterday. Why not try it again today? It is simply about taking a walk around the block as a spiritual practice, silently praying through one question for each side of the block. (If it doesn’t work for you to walk, consider taking 5 minutes in silence - set a timer if you need to for each question)
If you can walk, get outside taking one side of the city block to ponder each of the following questions. Let this be your practice for the week.
God, will you help me remember my belovedness and my connection to you?
God, will you help me connect to my own heart - what’s really going on inside of me today?
God, will you help me see what you are up to in my life today?
God, will you help me look forward through the rest of this day and to talk with you about what is coming up?