Being Shaped by God's Word to You

For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. 2 Corinthians 1:20

All of the promises of the Bible - and the whole Bible itself - find their fulfillment in Christ. They all point to him. That’s why, as we go on the spiritual journey, the Bible can be such a gift. 

This week we’re going to seek to practice letting the Bible get inside of us. Some old saints have called this ‘meditation.’ Some new ones call it ‘interiorization.’ The idea is to let the words of Scripture shape our internal world, laying tracks for us to know Christ and to become more like him.  

Today we’re going to start with a very short and simple verse. (And if this verse is all you focus on for the entire week, that might be fine as well - because it’s a deep one). We’re going to take the shortest verse of the Bible and meditate on it - interiorizing it. That verse is:

Jesus wept. - John 11:35

It’s not hard to memorize that verse. But that’s not what meditating/interiorizing is. What we want to do is to ponder it; to let it speak to us; to allow our heart to be shaped by it. Practically that might look like 

  • Taking 5 minutes now to imagine it - to let it play out in your imagination

  • Setting a timer on your watch to remind you to revisit the verse at different times in the day, 

  • Writing it on a post-it note and putting it on your dashboard, bathroom mirror, work desk, etc.

  • Or something else that works for you.

Beyond the practicality, the pondering is really important. These questions are deep (and potentially painful) - but that’s the purpose of letting Scripture get inside of us and have its way with us. Think/feel/ponder questions like these:

  • What keeps you from weeping over things that are truly sad?

  • Is there grief or loss that you are hiding from because you don’t want to weep?

  • What is there that’s worth weeping about in your life? The world?

  • Is there something in your past that Jesus might weep over?

May God meet you, heal you, love you, and shape you today as you let these words get inside you.