Blessed are the...

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God. - Matthew 5:3

Our culture often celebrates the proud in spirit, not the poor in spirit. But Jesus sees the world differently, and invites you into his way of being counter-cultural. In a day and a week that may hold real sadness for many, take some time to sit with these words from Debie Thomas. Let them speak to you.

  • Where are you feeling lowly?, oppressed, unwanted or broken?

  • Where are you messy, chaotic, unruly or unattractive today?

What Jesus bears witness to in the Beatitudes is God’s unwavering proximity to pain, suffering, sorrow, and loss. God is nearest to those who are lowly, oppressed, unwanted, and broken. God isn’t obsessed with the shiny and the impressive; God is too busy sticking close to what’s messy, chaotic, unruly, and unattractive. – Debie Thomas, Into the Mess