Blessing and Cursing
Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. - James 3:10
We all have a choice when it comes to what we say. We can bless or we can curse. And sure, there are plenty of times when we just need someone to pass the milk or just need to send an email with the kids’ soccer schedule… but even in those situations, we’ve got a choice. Will we always be looking for a chance to sow a seed of kindness, of gratitude?
Of course, most of us struggle with our own sense of inadequacy or anger or fill-in-the-blank issue, so it’s not like this practice is going to save us or heal us. But it can be a part of the process, both for us and for others. To speak words of kindness and goodness over others calls out the best in them - and it often helps rearrange our own attitude. We actually feel better afterwards!
So who is it going to be today that you bless? What is a way that you could remind yourself to do so?