Describing the Indescribable
Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! - 2 Corinthians 9:15
The apostle Paul uses a lot of words to try to articulate how awesome it is that God, in Christ, has demonstrated limitless love for us. He spends whole chapters on it, like 1 Corinthians 13, and quotes hymns about it like in Philippians 2. He uses images from commerce, the temple, family life, nature, and even the military to try to get at this incredible gift that we have in Christ.
As part of your thanksgiving this week, take some time today and do some describing of God’s indescribable gift - of life and love and liberty in Christ. What words would you use? What images? What does it feel like? How does your body experience it? What delights your mind about it? Spend some time with these things today as a way of giving thanks to God for all that is good.