Disrupting the Universe

When the men came to Jesus, they said, “John the Baptist sent us to you to ask, ‘Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?’” - Luke 7:20

We’re looking at this verse again today, just to notice the faithfulness John was showing even in his moment of doubt – he brought his question, the most important question he had, to Jesus.  It reminds me of the father who cried out to Jesus, “Lord, I believe; help me in my unbelief.” (Mark 9:24) This is who we are – people with doubts and fears.  Bringing our questions honestly to Jesus draws us closer to him in a way that covering them up never could.

Reflecting on why we sometimes find it harder than Jesus to receive the questions people raise for us, children’s author Madeleine L’Engle muses on her own experience: “When I find myself hotly defending something, wherein I am, in fact, zealous, it is time for me to step back and examine whatever it is that has me so hot under the collar. Do I think it’s going to threaten my comfortable rut? Make me change and grow? — and growing always causes growing pains. Am I afraid to ask questions?  Sometimes. But I believe that good questions are more important than answers, and the best children’s books ask questions, and make the reader ask questions. And every new question is going to disturb someone’s universe...”

Take a few minutes to talk with Jesus about who has been disturbing your universe lately and why.  Instead of being defensive, is there a way you can explore the questions being raised and move closer to that person, and maybe even to God?