Gym Bros, Spiritual Trauma, Mujerista Theology, and the Book of James

Is the book of James the kind of muscular, masculine theology that puts people in their place? Many folks have been taught that approach in their religious traditions. But this is the book that includes remarkable lines like this:

Everyone should be quick to listen and slow to speak… James 1:19

Perhaps there’s a different way to look at James after all. Today, if you have the time, we’ve got a special treat for you.

Below is a 10 minute video from Brenna Rubio that orients us to the kind of book we’re reading. She covers Gym bros, Theology bros, spiritual trauma, mujerista theology, and uses fancy words like orthopraxy and “lo cotidiano” and you are just going to appreciate it so much. Take some time to listen today and lean in to how God might be wanting to speak to you.

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