Go and Do

Jesus is far more interested in people loving well than in talking a lot about love! After the amazing parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus invites the religious leader, and us, to actually do some loving. Let this simple, powerful line sink in:

Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.” — Luke 10:37

There’s the going part and the doing part.

The going part seems to have to do with being out in the world. Perhaps it’s on our daily commute or while sitting at our favorite coffee shop or while talking with a parent at our kid’s soccer game - it’s while we are going about our days. It’s inevitably when it’s slightly inconvenient. And most often it costs a little, whether in money or time or embarrassment.

The doing part seems to have to do with getting out of our heads and into our bodies. It has to do with offering/giving the ride to that person you met at church or making lunches for the neighbor kids while their parent is out of town or setting a series of reminders to check in on that friend struggling with depression (and then actually calling). It’s about getting the job done and not just thinking about it (and certainly not just talking about it).

What is the Spirit stirring in you as you consider going and doing likewise?