God's Stability Through Every Season

Though the mountains be shaken
    and the hills be removed,
yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken
    nor my covenant of peace be removed,”
    says the Lord, who has compassion on you.
          - Isaiah 54:10

All week we've been reflecting on the different seasons of life. In Isaiah 54:10, God reminds us that even when we're in a hard season or a time of confusion or disorientation, some things do not change. The mountains shake, our world changes, we feel unstable, but God's unfailing love cannot be shaken. God's promise in Christ to be your peace can never be taken away from you.

What would it look like to face the trails of your day, your week, your year and your life with this kind of rock solid assurance? Talk with God today about growing deep down into his love and being grounded in your soul through your deep connection with his being.