Good News

And with many other words John exhorted the people and proclaimed the good news to them. Luke 3:19

When I think of the invitation to allow Jesus into every corner of my heart, to uncover both the beauty and the brokenness (the grain and the chaff), I realize that this is really good news. It’s good news because Jesus is the only one who can handle my sin. After all, as this passage shows, it’s the wind that blows away the chaff, not us. I just need to allow it to be exposed to him, and he’ll handle it. And along the way, Jesus also uncovers the grain in me – the best part of me. This he gathers up; he recognizes it as precious, as useful, as nourishing. Jesus sees the best in me and that’s what he’s after.

No wonder this is called the good news. It’s not just about allowing Jesus to go through this process with us. Isn’t this the very thing that your families and friends and classmates and coworkers need? Don’ they need a Savior who cherishes the best part of them and helps it come out? Don’t they need someone to set them free from their hardness and the things that prevent their goodness from coming out?

If we love someone, how in the world could we not share this great news with them – that there is indeed a Savior who sees them for who they really are and who will rescue them and heal them and bring out the best in them? Pray for an opportunity to share that news with someone today.