Happiness Takes Practice

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Happiness Takes Practice

We’ve talked a lot this week about our tendency to miswant, to think things will make us happier than they really will, for longer than they really will. The good news is that we can make deliberate choices to counter our miswantings and other cognitive biases that lead us down unhappier paths.

Happiness scientists think of these intentional practices as “rewirements.”  Ancient wisdom has described them as “spiritual formation” - deliberate steps we take to invite Jesus to make us more like him, more fully human, more whole and deeply well.

Paul in Romans speaks of this as transformation and renewal - a rediscovery of who God meant us to be all along:

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind... - Rom. 12:2

And it’s not all just about our heads, not just about cognitive knowledge...

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. - Prov. 4:23

“Our wants and longings and desires are at the core of our identity, the wellspring from which our actions and behavior flow.”- James. K. A. Smith, You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit

We practice ourselves into a new way of being, at our core, not with shame or gritted teeth, but keeping step with Jesus, drawn along by his compassionate wisdom and hope.

Do you want to be transformed? How? Are you willing to practice, or willing to be willing if Jesus will help you? Take a few quiet moments in prayer over these questions.
