Help Me

A friend of City Church, Daniel Garcia Long, wrote the below poem for himself and for pastors around Long Beach. This is a great prayer as you head into the weekend and think about the people you will be talking to. May God meet you as you pray it today.

be present
to the joys
and the pains
the smiles
and the sorrow

pay attention
to the faces
with names
and stories
and failures
and triumphs

see in them
your eyes
your tears
your body
your sweat
your wounds
your scars
your presence
your grace

learn from
their laughter
and their anger
their weeping
and their quiet

remember they are
your image
your affection
your delight
your lost
your found
your children
your bride
your delight

stay with them
through it all
and in it all
as you have been
and will be
with me.

- Daniel Garcia Long (May, 2021)