Holding Space

Seventeen times in the gospels Jesus extends the invitation, “Those who have ears to hear, let them hear.” And yet Jesus knows that so often we may listen with our ears but not truly listen to what is being said.

Though seeing, they do not see;
    though hearing, they do not hear or understand.
- Jesus in Matthew 13:13

Particularly when we hear a story or a perspective that is different from our own it is so easy to dismiss it. It’s so easy to pretend we know it already. It’s so easy to protect ourselves from truly hearing because then we’d need to lament or confess or change.

What stories have you listened to of late that have challenged you? Who outside of your race, your class, or your educational status have you really listened to? Can you hold their story and value it, even when it causes you to s t r e t c h?

Take a few passes at this breath prayer from Black Liturgies (https://www.instagram.com/blackliturgies/) . Take your time. Let the Spirit move you. Shift into true openness…

INHALE: You hear the unheard

EXHALE: God, help me to hold space