How has the good work of God grown in your life?

I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. - 1 Corinthians 3:6

The apostle Paul was writing to his friends in this Greek city about their spiritual journey and how they’d grown over time to become more like Christ.

How has the good work of God grown in your life? Do you have a clear sense of when it began? For some of us, we can remember a crisis point or a certain prayer or church service. For others, it was a gradual process.

As you think about this, who was there with you in that season and what did they do that was helpful? Do you remember someone planting and someone else watering - someone at the very beginning and someone else helping along the way?

And what has God done all on God’s own, perhaps surprising you? How has God stepped in to help you mature, to shape your character, to grant you gifts, and to make you fruitful?