How Have You Been Treated When You've Doubted?
On Sunday we heard a story of someone whose more progressive faith and questions about traditional beliefs has made them wonder how long it will be until their church kicks them out. We also heard the story of someone whose more conservative faith and questions about progressive ideas has made them wonder if they are no longer welcome in their church.
When you have doubted have you experienced mercy at the hands of others - or have you faced judgment? And how do you treat those who doubt?
Jesus attracted those with questions, regardless of which ‘side’ they were on. He made space for people to go on their spiritual journey without judgment, without shame. One of his followers, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, would later summarize his approach this way:
Be merciful to those who doubt.
- Jude 1:22
Perhaps you need mercy today from others - you can ask Jesus for that. Perhaps you need mercy for yourself today - Jesus would be glad to help you with that. And undoubtedly others need mercy from you today - and Jesus is probably going to give you an opportunity to show that, so why not talk with him now about it.