How to Practice Embodiment

God created us as embodied selves, creatures of flesh and blood, commanding us to “love the Lord your God with all your… strength” (Deuteronomy 6:5). So flourishing has to include care for our bodies! Exercise and rest are two basic self care strategies proven to improve our emotional and mental health.

So this week, choose your own adventure/happiness practice, focusing on either: 

  • Exercise (renewal) - move for 30 minutes every day this week in any way that feels enjoyable for you and raises your heart rate. Walking, yoga, a bike ride, a little dance party... You can do it all at once, or in smaller chunks of 5-10 minutes.  Log your activity and take a moment to savor how you feel (mentally, physically, emotionally) after taking time to move.

  • Rest - 

    • Almost daily - look at your calendar and plan out 4 nights this week that you will give yourself 7 full hours of sleep. Set yourself up for success by laying off the caffeine, alcohol and electronics early that night, too.  Notice & jot down how you feel the next morning.

    • Once - decide on a full or half day to take as “sabbath” this week, where you lay aside the to-do lists and distracting electronics and purposely plan for rest and recharging activities only (whatever that looks like for you), on your own or with friends/family.  Protect and savor that time! Jot down a few reflections on how you feel toward the end of it.

  • Optional twist - take a little time to reflect with author Kaitlin Curtice on rest, renewal and resistance (the fight for justice).  On the pendulum between rest & renewal on one end, and resistance on the other, where have you been tending lately?  How might God be inviting you toward dynamic balance?