Interactions and Reactions

Proverbs 14:29 says, “Whoever is patient has great understanding, but the one who is quick tempered displays folly.”

I have to admit I have had my share of quick-tempered folly.  Some years ago, I completely lost my cool in a Taco Bell of all places.  My to-go order was incorrect for the 3rd time, and I needed to return to the office.  What ensued was a verbal explosion.  Although I wasn’t banned from the store, I should have been.  What I have learned from that moment is that I lost perspective.

If I had taken the time to reflect on my own emotional state, I might have realized that I was repressing grief and anger over my mother’s recent terminal diagnosis.  If I had taken time to think about the day the Taco Bell worker was having then I might have been more empathetic and showed some grace and patience.  If I had taken a moment and thought about God, I might have realized that when things are hard and there are no easy answers, God is still with me.

God calls us to contemplation.  I missed it that day, but the beauty of it is that even though I didn’t have understanding in the moment, I have more understanding now.  Proverbs is an invitation to gain deeper insight into ourselves, others and God.  With that understanding we find the capacity to receive grace and give grace.

Today I invite you to pray this simple prayer:

God, please increase my understanding.  Let patience have its way within my heart so that I can reflect patience to those around me.

-Mitzi Meyers