Jesus's Friendsgiving

As we think about different aspects of what makes for a good party, a lot depends on who is there. The ‘who’ question is a big one. Look at how Jesus answered that question for this important gathering:

“I am going to celebrate the Passover with my disciples…” - Matthew 26:18
Jesus certainly could have celebrated the Passover with his family. He saw them any number of times during his ministry. He was obviously close to his mother, and from what we can tell at least his brother James was close with Jesus.

But he didn’t. He spent it with his friends.

Jesus chose who to spend that special final night of his life with, and it was his friends. This doesn’t mean that our families don’t matter - of course they do. But this is such a good reminder that ‘chosen family’ is not just a 21st century idea.

Jesus knew he needed company to be with him as his life drew to a close. Jesus knew he wanted to have earnest conversation, and these friends had showed themselves up for those conversations. And Jesus knew he needed support - a bit later in the evening he’d ask for his friends to watch over him while he went off to pray.

As you think about the holidays coming up, are you aware of what you need and who the best people are to invite into meeting those needs? What sorts of gatherings will you be a part of or initiate - and who are the right people to be there?