Joy, Gladness, Complete, Overflowing

Not sure how long ago this was, but I remember reading something along the lines of the state of “happiness” being an “inside job.” Personally, to me, joy is more of an inside job. 

Joy can be experienced in any situation. There is a sense of endurance and resiliency with joy that I have not experienced with happiness. Happiness just seems to reside along the lines of being more circumstantial, temporary, and fleeting as it contrasts to joy. 

Joy can exist in almost every situation, again, a testament to fortitude and strength that is rooted deeply within us.

I like to think of this as tending to the garden within. An altar if you will, of thankfulness and awe to our God. But too, nurturing kinship with one another and with God. 

I have told you these things, that My joy and delight may be in you, and that your joy and gladness may be of full measure and complete and overflowing.

John 15:11

A breathtaking promise.

Joy. Gladness. Complete. Overflowing. 

Liken to what Israel shared about empowering and launching others into their day at the end of meetings; and Brenna’s invitation to us on Sunday to reflect on what kind of launch one may need or how might one want to launch into the day; my challenge, if you so choose to accept, is this: how might you kindle joy in yourself and or in others? 

Some examples of igniting joy in everyday life can be: getting a good night’s rest, working out to feel strong, playing with a fur baby, writing poetry, meditating, advocating boundaries, taking email breaks, singing in your car, taking a cat nap, the sun’s warmth, nurturing a garden, watching something funny, a refreshing drink, engaging in a random act of kindness, speaking up, a favorite snack, watching the sunrise, spending time alone, spending time with good friends, getting crafty and creative, trying a new cuisine, rewatching a favorite series, exploring a new trail, trying something new, like running groups… there is a lot of joy to be had. 

weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.

Psalms 30:5

-Denia Bradshaw