Make Our Joy Complete
“So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.” – Phil. 2:1-2
It all starts from remembering how deeply we are loved. In Jesus, each one of us is seen completely, known completely, and loved completely. That where we get our courage, that’s where we get our comfort, and that’s how our hearts and minds are changed. Because if God can love us in all our brokenness, he can surely love that person… and that person… and that person, too. And our joy is made complete.
Where have you risked revealing yourself to experience God’s love? As Chris reminded us on Sunday, we often present a false version of ourselves to others, hoping to get their approval. Even if our efforts “work” in one sense, if they buy our act, our true self watches hopelessly from the sidelines, still convinced we are fundamentally unlovable. It's just not true.
What if today you took a risk to reveal yourself in some way – your hurts, your struggles, your doubts, your fears? What if your risk was met with genuine love? Maybe it’s something you need to share with God in prayer; maybe it’s something you need to share with a friend over coffee. Would you spend a few minutes talking it over with God now?