Moving Past All is Good or All is Bad

As we head into Holy Week (service times at bottom) it’s perfect timing to hold in tension those first two seasons of prayer: Orientation (when everything is good) and disorientation (when everything feels like it’s bad). One of the steps towards maturity is accepting the phase you are in (regardless of which phase) without judging the other phases - all the while increasing your capacity to hold the tension that there is both good and bad in life. That’s called the Reorientation phase.

God puts it this way:

Though the mountains be shaken
and the hills be removed,
yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken
nor my covenant of peace be removed,”
says the Lord, who has compassion on you. - Isaiah 54:10

God does not deny that our lives get shaken and what we thought was solid starts to crumble - and that includes even our theology! But there’s a deeper reality, that God is still there. God still loves.

Take a moment and name back to God some of the ways your life, your family or your faith have been shaken or removed - and then ask God to give you a peek at that unfailing love that is promised.


Good Friday Prayer Stations (and a light dinner): Meet at either 6pm or 7pm at Wrigley Coffee, 437 W. Willow.

Easter 6am Sunrise Service at Alamitos Beach. RSVP HERE just so we can communicate in case there’s some change due to weather/etc. RSVP link has map of exactly where we’ll park and meet.

Easter egg hunt 10am Lafayette Elementary School Front Lawn

Easter Service 10:30am Lafayette Elementary School blacktop