Ultreya (Onward)

A poem often shared by pilgrims walking the ancient trails of the Camino de Santiago, to encourage us as well.  Why not read it over, then spend a few minutes with Jesus in silent gratitude for the long path he's walked with you already?  So glad to be on this journey with you, friends, with all its twists and turns.

Ultreya (Onward),
by Carli Di Bortolo.

Alone with others,
Thou thyself thy rivals
Thou thyself finding thy companions
Thou thyself seeing thy enemies
thou thyself making thy brothers

Thy head knows not where thy feet take thy heart

Pilgrim of the world

Thou art born for the way

Thou hast an appointment
Where? With whom?

Thy steps, thy words
The road, thy song
the fatigue, thy prayer
And thy silence, finally thy speech.

thou art born for the way
That of pilgrimage
That other way leading to thyself
and thy quest

So that thou may find
at the shrine at the end of the world
Thy peace
Thy joy

Already, God walks with thee.