Pushed out of the Herd

Jeremiah 23:1 – “Woe to the shepherds who are destroying and scattering the sheep of my pasture!” declared the Lord. 

By Mitzi Myers

It’s got to be hard to be a professional Christian - those that shepherd and pastor us.  Can you image how much pressure that is when people treat them like they are truth holders – like they’ve got the answers – like they know what’s right and what God wants?  I guess it shouldn’t be so surprising that some of them start to believe that it’s true.  Before you know it, people need to believe just like they do, and act as they are told to act.  If you do, then you are in.  If you don’t, then you are out.  How quickly and casually labels of “lost” can get assigned. 

Here’s the thing, no one is the gatekeeper to God’s herd.  In Black Liturgies Cole Arthur Riley says, “If your belonging depends on whether you ascribe to the beliefs of a spiritual leader, it is not belonging, it is bondage.  When someone’s friendships and community are at stake, how can they be expected to become curious or honest with themselves in their own spiritual exploration?” 

Riley’s comment also highlights the role of community.  It’s not just the formal leaders, it’s all of us that play a role in offering a belonging space while people continually figure out how to live.  Rachel Held Evans said, “The more I learned, the less I felt I knew.  The less I felt I knew, the more I listened.”  As followers of Christ, perhaps we can listen and appreciate the beautiful spectrum of beliefs, and just let Jesus be the ‘good shepherd’.    

I invite you into this prayer.

Father, you came to set the captives free.  Help me live in that freedom.  When churches and Christian circles start to become confining or exclusive to people, help me to be a refuge for them.  Help them see they are never pushed out of your herd.