
Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, in keeping with the promise of life that is in Christ Jesus, to Timothy, my dear son. 2 Timothy 1:1-2

All of our parents were imperfect, which strongly suggests we all need reparenting. Even in the best homes, where there’s appropriate closeness and commitment, there are seasons when one parent may be emotionally or physically absent (even if it’s due to sickness or caring for child) - and that can cause damage to the parent-child relationship. And then there are the parents that are very far from perfect.

One of the key roles of chosen family is to reparent us. To find mentors and those further along on the journey of life makes an enormous difference. Sometimes these chosen family members coach us or pray for us or welcome us - it really depends on what they have to give and on what we need and on how God links us up.

Paul was a spiritual father to Timothy, whose father is not mentioned as someone who invested in his life. Timothy’s mother and grandmother were both instrumental in his life, but not dad. Enter Paul… the dad figure. No doubt, Paul messed it up plenty, but it’s also clear that he cared deeply and invested freely in Timothy from when Timothy was a teenager.

And sometimes it’s not an individual but a whole community that re-teaches us how to love, how to have boundaries, how to manage doubt, how to grieve, or how to rejoice. Who are the people - individuals or communities - that have been part of your reparenting? Who do you help to reparent?