Refusing to Grow Is a Sin
And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
- 2 Corinthians 3:18
The word "transformed" is the Greek word metamorphosis. It means to change, to grow, to emerge, like a butterfly from a cocoon. This sounds so beautiful. But for anyone who has taken steps on the spiritual journey, you know it's just so, so hard. We tend to prefer stability, security, and success - which usually don't help us become more like Christ.
We want predictability. God prefers us to trust. We live for comfort. God prizes character. God seems to always be inviting us to grow, even though we so often resist that invitation. As one of the old saints, Gregory of Nyssa, said back in the fourth century, “Sin happens whenever we refuse to keep growing.”
Will you let yourself be transformed today? Will you surrender your character? How you use your time? What you do with your money? What you give your heart to? The more you turn these things over, the more you will be transformed.
Start exploring your Enneagram type now: As part of our sermon series, we're encouraging people to learn about their Enneagram type, to better understand the ways God made you and is calling you to become more yourself. It's part personality test, part spiritual inventory, and it can be very helpful. There's a test that costs $12 HERE or a free version HERE. Poke around the type descriptions, too.