Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.
- Psalm 119:105
This week we’re seeking to start establishing a new practice or two that might help lay down some tracks for the Holy Spirit to move more freely in our lives. Yesterday we learned about a simple Prayer of Welcome - you may want to pause now for 3 minutes and pray that prayer.
Today we’re going to work on memorizing scripture and saying it a couple of times during the day. Scripture can be a real gift to us because in it we so often hear a fresh word for ourselves. The practice of memorizing scripture is very simple, and there are different ways to go about it. You can write the verse down a few times, you can say a part of it over and over and then move on to the next part, or you can draw pictures of it. It’s probably most helpful to write it on a post-it note and to put it on your bathroom mirror or your car dashboard so you come across it. And when you do, close you eyes and see how much of it you can get before you need to peak.
Today, consider memorizing the verse above, and then setting a reminder on your phone for later this afternoon/evening to say it again. You may want to come back to the same verse every day for a week or two.
But the real benefit of memorizing scripture is listening to what God may be saying to you in it. So when you say it from memory, linger on the phrases and words, holding it gently in your mind and giving it space to address what’s going on for you in your life.
So go to it! May your path today be a bit brighter because of it.