She Foreshadowed Christ

This is not your usual Good Friday poem (more on Good Friday below), but it seems so appropriate nonetheless given how we’ve been looking at women in the Bible over the past month.

Few know the biblical character of Yael in Deborah 4. She was not the expected rescuer of her people. She was no warrior, but far more similar to a humble carpenter. And though her name becomes obscured by the patriarchy and never surfaces again, the final shout out to her gets recycled a thousand years later when Elizabeth calls Mary “Most blessed of women”(Judges 5:24 and Luke 1:42).

So sit with Yael here on this Good Friday. And sit with Jesus.

they told me
be obedient like Ruth
cry like Hannah and
be pretty like Esther
but I choose to be Yael
delivering liberation
with my bare hands
and the tools necessary
to rebuild the house


A Good Friday Invitation

We do have an online group meeting with Emma Roy tonight at 5:30pm HERE for a simple celebration - bring your dinner to share it virtually! (Emma’s cell is 831-345-5574 if you need help connecting.)

We’ve also put together a very short Good Friday reflection video, and however, wherever, with whomever you’re celebrating tonight, we invite you to watch it before your meal HERE.