Christ In You, the Hope of Glory
So many times we think of God ‘up there.’ You know, all-powerful but far away. And while that is a theme in scripture, there are so many times when God shows up differently, so much more closely. And plenty of those times God is not just with us but actually in us. Paul writes to his friends about “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27) and Jesus says that “the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21).
Could we pause this Holy Week and remember that the reason Jesus came was to move into our lives. As the 13th century mystic put it:
The day of my spiritual awakening was the day I saw and knew I saw – all things in God and God in all things. - Matilda of Magdeburg
Today, take a moment to dwell on Christ being in you, to enjoy that union. Jesus said this would be a hint of the coming oneness that we would enjoy with him when the kingdom came in its fullness.
Good Friday Prayer Stations (and a light dinner): RSVP for either 6pm or 7pm at Wrigley Coffee, 437 W. Willow.
Easter 6am Sunrise Service at Alamitos Beach. RSVP HERE just so we can communicate in case there’s some change due to weather/etc. RSVP link has map of exactly where we’ll park and meet.
Easter egg hunt 10am Lafayette Elementary School Front Lawn
Easter Service 10:30am Lafayette Elementary School blacktop