Speaking Up

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. Proverbs 31:8

In the wake of Zechariah’s silence, Elizabeth found her voice. For those of us accustomed to having a voice, what might it look like for us to work towards a work in which all people had a voice?

Jesus did a lot of speaking up for those who did not have a voice. He blessed the poor, he protected the adulterous woman, he defended the Samaritans when his own disciples wanted to call down lightweight against them.

This Thanksgiving there are inevitably going to be some opportunities to speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves. It might be as simple as speaking up for a family member who is not present when someone speaks poorly of them. Or it might be as intense as speaking up when a racist joke is told.

As God today to give you the grace to use your voice to support and protect and bless and speak up for those who are on the margins, those who may not otherwise be heard. And then look for the opportunities that he will no doubt bring you.