The Cost of His Freedom

Matthew 20:28

“just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Jesus came to earth for one purpose: to give his life as a ransom for us. He made this great sacrifice in order to give us a second chance.  He went to great lengths for us. He knew that suffering was to come, and He did it anyway. He went to the cross, where human hearts abandoned him. Yet His unbending grace was ever present for us. 

Our compassionate servant King always had the power to say no. Instead He submitted to His Father’s order. He, who was perfect, took the hit for our imperfection. As a result, we get to drink endlessly from the fountain of freedom. Oh what a gift!

Jesus did what was right and good for us. He took on our suffering at the cross. Cloaked in His humanity, He cried in pain, yet He still offered up petitions for us, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Oh what a scene, Jesus our suffering King, cloaked not in religion, but in humility. Oh what a loving Father that would give up His only Son before He would give up on you.

Take some time today and remember Jesus on the cross. Remember that the pain in our personal lives is a suffering Jesus can relate to. Can you talk with Him today about your suffering? Can you ask Jesus to meet you there?