The Importance of Community
Acts 16: 10 “After Paul had seen the vision, we got ready at once to leave for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them.”
Notice the use of “we” in today’s verse. Paul told his companions about his vision, and as a group, they came to a conclusion about what they should do. This is such a great model for us as we grow together in Jesus.
Sometimes pride, shame, and a host of other emotions, keep us from sharing with our community. But God uses our community to speak to us and help us discern his vision for us. We were not meant to take this journey alone and it is wise for us to seek out feedback and guidance from others.
Take some time to think of the trusted and wise people in your life. Do you have any thoughts, goals, or struggles that might benefit from some feedback? Consider how you might share these with the trusted people closest to you. Conversely, think of some ways that you might encourage those around you to see God’s vision for their life.