Is Love Enough?
As you read these three sentences, see if you can hear the critique that some might have of them as a watered down version of what Christians are called to do.
“Live a life of love."
“The only thing that matters is faith expressing itself through love.”
“Whoever lives in love lives in God.”
But those words don’t come from Oprah or from some ‘snowflake’ Christian leader - they are direct quotes from the Apostles John and Paul in Ephesians 5:2, Galatians 5:6, and 1 John 4:16!
Sometimes we can look down on ourselves as being ‘weak’ Christians for just focussing on loving people. And yet that’s the very essence of what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Look back over these verses and take a few moments to remind yourself:
My who life is to consist of love.
What really matters if living my faith out in loving ways.
When I love, I’m not just living in God’s presence, but somehow mysteriously also in God.