There is Another in the Fire

Rev. Riana Shaw Robinson kindly led an insightful sermon this past Sunday, and the focus was on faithfulness. 

Paraphrasing here, but when she said:

“wrestling with God is an act of faith,” I must admit I never saw it that way. Same with “faith is disappointing sometimes,” the notion of “owning our own limits as an act of faith,” and lastly, “expecting God to be God.” 

Having been diagnosed with Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), wanting control after not having control following traumatic events, is considered the norm. PTSD is characterized by a sense of loss of control… so then, a longing for certainty and safety becomes a need for me for survival. So when I feel “threat” to my well being, one of the symptoms is that my brain goes into overdrive. Trusting God and being still when this happens, is so challenging. I cannot always practice being still in these moments, but I am a work in progress as I work through this. I am willing to learn to live with this and its unique symptoms. And I do not have to do it alone.

I wish I was further along in the process, but alas, as I have mentioned before - healing is not a switch and healing can be quite messy. And like Rev. Riana Shaw mentioned, we have to “keep showing up” for ourselves in our healing, and with each other …as we heal collectively. 

Paraphrasing again:

“Our collective faith moves mountains… [and we must] …”keep showing up at the mountain” so that we may move toward “collective liberation and peace.” 

Where or how might you replace worry or fear with faith in God's promises?

Reflect on ways you show up in your daily life, or can begin to show up, where you do/can apply the transformational work of collective healing?

As mentioned on Sunday, and in the meantime for me, I desire to be in communion with Jesus who knows what it is like to suffer. Knowing too, that “there is another in the fire.” And there might  be some wrestling on my part too… how beautiful that these are all acts of faith. 

-Denia G. Bradshaw