
 How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! - Psalm 133:1 NIV

Family reunions can be fun, but they can also have plenty of drama. It is unusual for gatherings like that to go off without a hitch. Somebody complains about the food, someone else gets offended, or old hurts get dragged up. 

Unfortunately it is the same for God’s people. Too often we complain, offend or get offended, or drag up old hurts. The author of this prayer from Psalm 133 gets it right: it is so very good when there is unity. 

Jesus teaches that what makes unity so good is that it’s actually a reflection of what God is like within God‘s own self. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are united in love, care, and delight in one another. There is complete unity in God and we are invited to enjoy the same here on earth.

Think back over the last week or month and give thanks for the times when you have experienced unity within your friend group, your family, your neighborhood, or your Christian community. Praise God for this expression of the Trinity being lived out on earth as it is in heaven.