Welcoming LGBT People Into the Church

Laura Lacombe preached a remarkable sermon Sunday (you can listen to it HERE) about how God broke through Peter’s clear understanding of Scripture in order to help him welcome those he previously excluded.

Peter was led experientially to this conclusion instead of by Scripture. And when the church leadership gathered in Acts 15 in order to evaluate whether or not Peter was acting in accordance with God’s will, they went about a process of deduction that’s unusual in our churches today. They listened to Peter’s story of how God included those previous excluded, and they listened to Paul’s similar stories of God’s work amongst those previously excluded, and only then did they turn to the Bible for some back up (you can read more about it HERE). The conclusion was simple:

We should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God. - Acts 15:19

In so many ways, the modern church has made it more difficult rather than less for LGBT people to turn to God. We’ve erected all kinds of barriers to finding a home in the local church. This is clearly not the approach of the Holy Spirit in the early church.

Can you take some time to grieve for those who have been excluded from the church? Ask yourself what it might look like for you to become less protective of who is allowed in and to become more radically welcoming of all people.