What's Restful for You?

Then Jesus said to them, “The Sabbath was made for people, not people for the Sabbath. - Mark 2:27

Yesterday we reflected on how hard it is to rest, but another crucial ingredient in a healthy rhythm of life is understanding what is indeed restful for us. It might sound simpler if God just laid out a plan for the exact steps to rest, but it’s not that simple. As Jesus mentions above, when it comes to resting, there’s no new law.

The whole point of resting is to do what is renewing for you. For some people, that’s sleeping in. For others, it’s getting up early and going for a long hike out in nature. For others, it’s reading a good book. And the list goes on and on. Have you paid attention enough to your own soul to know what renews you?

Take some time today to make a list of half a dozen things that recharge you. Now notice how each of those could be taken to an extreme (made into a LAW that kills). Now think about how to implement one or two of them - in healthy ways - over the next few days.