Where Are You?
Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”
- Genesis 3:8-9
This week we've been thinking about the parable Jesus told about a woman who lost a coin and diligently sought to find it in Luke 15:8-10. This parable, just like the parables just before and after it, is all about God searching for us. As it turns out, that's what God's been doing ever since the beginning.
Genesis 3 paints the picture of Adam and Even running away from God and hiding because they are so caught up in their sin and shame. So what does God do? God goes looking for them!
So today, as you think about the scripture, let the Spirit ask you the same question asked of Adam and Eve: "Where are you?" Take some time to really try to answer that question. Are you hiding in your busyness so you don't have to face silence or feel unneeded? Are you hiding in some compulsive activity that feels good for the moment but then traps you in an unhealthy cycle? Are you hiding in your commitments to family or work or even church? God's looking for you. God is searching for you, to be with you, to be close to you. Will you let God find you?