Daily Devotional
The gospel writers have their own agendas in writing… and in the passage for today we see how Matthew’s agenda was unhelpful (except to help us admit our own biases).
Read MoreThis is the prayer that Laura Lacombe led the church in on Sunday - fully of passion and pain and boldness.
Read MoreJesus doesn’t wander through the world aimlessly. He’s constantly situating himself in the story of God’s relationship to the people.
Read MoreAll of the rabbis in the time of Jesus (just like pastors today!) had their own perspective on what was most important to stress from their bible. What did Jesus choose?
Read MoreToday we break down the three components of compassion.
Read MoreToo often the compassion of Jesus has been defaced by religious people who have been far less than compassionate. What if we got back to the original compassion of Jesus?
Read MoreJesus blessed the poor… and there’s so much for us all to learn from this, whether we are poor or not. Kat Armas gives us a keen insight into the poor’s advantage in reading the scriptures.
Read MoreToday we look at some of the scriptural backing for God’s preferential concern for the poor. What do we make of these teachings?
Read MoreIf our Gospel doesn’t really bring freedom - liberation - to real people in rough situations, is it really good news?
Read MoreJames Cone reflects on our theological starting points when we come to very practical issues like hunger, which Jesus taught about. What impacts how you think of these things?
Read MoreToday we get to set aside time to hear from a contemporary Christian leader who has some keen insights about anger.
Read MoreAnger certainly is not always wrong. And often it’s very useful at helping motivate us towards fighting injustice.
Read MoreOne of the healthiest things we can do with our anger is to listen for the shame that often lies underneath it.
Read MoreIt’s not easy, but finding ourselves both decentered and beloved is crucial to the spiritual journey.
Read MoreToday we borrow the prayer that was offered after the message on Sunday - pray along and see if you can make it your own.
Read MoreGod listens. It’s a radical claim, and a game changer.
Read MoreThe ‘bleeding woman’ isn’t just in a state of powerlessness. She seizes the initiative, she takes the first step in her own healing, she demonstrates true agency.
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