A Nudge Towards Compassion

“And the second is like it…” Matthew 22:39

When reading this week’s scripture I took a moment to sit with one part of verse 29- “and the second is like it.” Jesus himself said that loving our neighbor was “like” loving God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength.

That part has always been confusing to me. What does that actually look like? How do I love God with my strength or heart? I’m grateful that he follows up with an example much easier to understand. Love my neighbor as myself. 

I’m often immobilized by the brokenness of our world. How can I, one small person, make any lasting difference? This verse has reminded me to do good when I can. That the good deed in front of me is enough. One area I am trying to practice more (when I am cognizant of it) is to follow my nudges of compassion to love my neighbor. To recognize that a small act of love is still an important- even counter cultural- thing. When I get a random thought or idea (encouraging someone, writing a letter, making a donation) I try to act on it. When my kids have a nudge toward compassion (“Mom- can I give that person some money?” I’m ashamed to say how often I hesitate) I try to say yes. These little moments are voices of the Spirit coming through, moving us towards love and away from selfishness. Jesus invites us to love him by loving our neighbor- let’s open our hearts to how he might nudge us to do just that. 

-Jaime Dunham