A Simple Daily Examen
Let us examine our ways and test them,
and let us return to the Lord. - Lamentations 3:40
Over and over, scripture invites us to listen to our lives to discern what God is saying, to look at our days to see where God is moving.
Each day this week you are invited to take a simple walk around the block and to reconnect with God during it. This is more about orthopraxy than orthodoxy - focusing on right action more than right belief.
As you walk around your block (and the same practice can be adapted for a bedtime ritual or dinnertime habit), try to gently take yourself through this four part structure:
Side 1: Take a couple of deep breaths and try to center yourself and prepare for this short time with God
Side 2: Give God thanks for where you’ve seen goodness, favor, or beauty today, acknowledging God’s presence.
Side 3: Ask yourself if there were times in this day when you missed God or disconnected - name those to God.
Side 4: Cast your mind over the rest of the day ahead and ask God for anything you need.