If you only read yesterday’s devotion about reaping what you sow then you might be tempted to think that fruitfulness is all up to us. If what we reap is a direct result of what we sow, then doesn’t the responsibility rest squarely on us to sow correctly?
That’s one of the interesting things about the Bible, right? It holds multiple truths in tension all the time (like Jesus being fully human and fully divine, like the trinity being three persons but one God, and on and on the list goes). So today, let’s let the pendulum swing the other way - in no way denying what we learned and prayed about yesterday, but enhancing it with a different perspective.
When it comes to how to flourish, Jesus reminds us of what is of utmost importance - the foundation on which reaping and sowing rests. He says this:
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. Jn 15:5b
Staying connected to Jesus is the key. It always has been and always will be. It’s the center of the spiritual life. And sure, it looks different based on your religious background, education, personality, age, culture, etc. But it’s hard to overstate the significance of remaining in Christ. So older bibles call it ‘abiding in Christ.’ It’s that sense of staying connected, being in communication, being aware. It’s more of a being thing than a doing thing (which is part of what makes it so challenging for many of us).
Do you have a sense of when your abiding has led to fruitfulness?
In the past 24 hours, what were your best moments of abiding? What stole away your sense of abiding?
Do you have a sense of what it might look like to abide with Christ 5% more today than yesterday?
Form whatever feelings and thoughts these things stir in you into a simple prayer and tell it to God.