Are You Burned Out on Religion
Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. - Matthew 11:28, The Message
Jesus is not afraid to ask the question: are you burned out on religion? Jesus is not afraid to look at the sacred and call it useless. Jesus is constantly inviting us into reality - into a true naming of what is, not pretending things are anything else.
Are there places in your religious life where you feel tired, worn out, or burned? Go ahead a take a few moments to name those to Jesus. He won’t be surprised.
Some of us may feel threatened by this line of quesitoning; some us might feel the onrush of feeling. One way or the other, we have to deal with Jesus. He keeps saying, “Come to me” - it’s a command, but it’s really more of an invitation. He know’s what we really need, where a true and flourishing life can be found. Will you come to him today to find it?